Monday, November 29, 2010

AANR and Vermont Teddy bear Company Team up with the Skinny Dip Bear

AANR, The American Association for Nude Recreation is such a great organization. They have done so much to promote nude recreation in the US. Their latest is they have teamed up with the Vermont Teddy Bear company and created the Official AANR Skinny Dip Bear. Above is a photo.

I salute AANR for selecting the Vermont Teddy Bear company. It is an American company and the teddy bears are made in the USA. They could have gone with some cheaply made bears made in China. Instead they went quality which is what AANR symbolizes. I am proud that they picked and American company to make the bears.

We intend to buy a Skinny Dip bear for Terra Cotta Inn.

Teddy Bears are named after President Teddy Roosevelt. He is one of the more famous skinny dippers in American history. So it is even more fitting that there is a bare Teddy Bear.

And to kick off the AANR Teddy Bear, they have a promotion.

Here is from the AANR Website:

"AANR Skinny-Dip Bear Debuts
Posted on November 29, 2010 by admin

AANR Skinny-Dip Bear
You already recognize AANR as the go-to source regarding the great American tradition of skinny-dipping. Made by the Vermont Teddy Bear Company especially for AANR, this Birthday Suit Bear’s coat comes off to reveal his naked body underneath. His sash declares “I Love Skinny Dipping” with the AANR logo prominently featured.

The AANR Skinny-Dip Bear encourages people to participate in this healthy, open, safe and friendly activity, while supporting the important role of AANR to protect their right to skinny-dip in appropriate settings.

Enter our contest by letting us know the most interesting place where you would take this cute, cuddly skinny-dipper. You could win the very first AANR Skinny-Dip Bear before they are even sold by having the most creative entry. Leave your comments below. The contest ends Sunday, December 5, 2010."


Do NOT post on the Terra Cotta Inn blog where you would like to go with the Teddy Bear. Post on the AANR blog.

Tom Mulhall
Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa
Located in Sunny Palm Springs, California
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