Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss

Dr. Seuss would have been 107 today. "I wish we could do what they do in Katroo. They sure know how to say "Happy Birthday to You!" (from the book Happy Birthday to You by Dr Seuss.

Now most people remember Dr. Seuss for his fun children's books like The Cat in the Hat

But he also wrote a pro nudity book called The Seven Lady Godivas. He wrote "There was not one; there were Seven Lady Godivas and their nakedness actually was not a thing of shame." Dr, Seuss then leads readers through a naked version of history to show where 7 famous proverbs originated like "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink."

We have a re-issued copy of the original The Seven lady Godivas. The original was written in 1939 and re-issued in 1967. It's a fun book with lots of fun naked drawings of the Seven lady Godiava.

Happy Birthday Dr Seuss!!! I hope the Birthday Honk Honker gives you a big blast from his horn today.

Tom Mulhall
Terra Cotta Inn Clothing Optional Resort and Spa, Palm Springs, CA
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