Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Khloe Kardashian has a nipple slip on Fox TV

As reported by US magazine.

"Khloe Kardashian had a prolonged wardrobe malfunction on live TV Tuesday morning -- unwittingly exposing her breast through a completely sheer black top...

Fox has since yanked the video of the R-rated interview from its site. But Khloe has no regrets!

"My mom just called me saying my nip slip is 'all over the internet!'" she tweeted Tuesday afternoon. "Ha! Is it weird that I love it?! Who knew nipples were so special?"

In an earlier Tweet (some fans wondered whether her account was hacked), the reality star supposedly wrote: "Thank God! I f***ing love nipples!"

For the full story click here

First, I bet Khloe knew something might happen by wearing that top. And I find it hard to believe that it was not noticed by the studio editors. this is FOX TV after all.

But, it does show as Khloe said, "who knew nipples were so special." Everyone has nipples. The only difference is the size, shape and color. What's the big deal? So ankles were considered sexy in the 1890's, calves in the roaring '20's, midriffs in the 1930's, nipples in the 2000's. Back in the 1700's women used to go to society dances wearing dresses that exposed their bare breasts.

Isn't it about time we realized bare breasts and nipples are no big deal?

PS, Mary Clare and I've appeared nude on TV many times. It's no big deal.

Tom Mulhall
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