Sunday, September 18, 2011

Dare to Bare at Nudist Resorts this Halloween!

Ding Dong! Trick or treat! It's almost that bewitching time of the year again, October 31st, better known as Halloween will be here before you know it. It's just 6 weeks away.. Halloween is one of the most favorite times of the year for nudists and nude vacationers and is perfect for first time topless and nude sunbathers. The week before and after Halloween are always very popular times here at The Terra Cotta Inn nudist resort in sunny Palm Springs, California.

Join us and have a spooktakularly fun time in Palm Springs, We'll be having the most fun, nude Halloween costume party. And because we're one of only a select few nudist resorts in the US that is popular 7 days a week (instead of being a weekend getaway like typical nudist resorts), we're having 2 costume events. One on Saturday October 29th and another one on the actual Halloween Monday October 31st.

We'll have guests from around the world trick or treating here. Most will be flying in on their broomsticks.

And, we have extra special tricks and treats that day including nude body painting.

Best of all, we'll be having a Halloween costume party. We'll be having prizes for BEST COSTUMES too. You can be as elaborate or as Bare as you like.

So wear your scariest, funniest, sexiest, Halloween costumes at the Terra Cotta Inn and attend your Best Halloween party ever. You might be the winner.

Now is the perfect time for a fun, romantic, sunny, unique vacation experience. One that you will want to repeat over and over.

Never been to a clothing optional resort before? No problem. We are the most mainstream nudist resort in the US and are perfect for couples trying topless or nude sunbathing for the first time as reported by the Desert Sun newspaper, Palm Springs!

Last November, MSNBC picked us as the Best value nude sunbathing resort in the western US.

And in July 2011, the Los Angeles Times newspaper picked us as the most popular of ALL small resorts in Southern California. Pretty cool that our nudist resort is more popular than all the boring textile hotels. And they picked the city of Palm Springs as the runner up best travel destination of ALL Southern California.

Give us a call at 800-786-6938 to make reservations or for more information. We answer the phones from 8am-10pm PST.

Visit our site at

Visit our Facebook resort page at

Hope to see you this year in sunny Palm Springs at Terra Cotta Inn!!!

P.S. American Airlines has an airfares sale. Buy tickets by midnight Thursday September 22nd and fly until December 14th.

Labels: California, getaway, Desert Sun newspaper, halloween, halloween weekend, nude halloween, nude halloween party, palm springs, party, scary, sexiest, sexy, sexy costumes, terra cotta inn, trick or treat, weekend getaway, best, scariest, nude, nude body painting,

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