Monday, November 21, 2011

Shop Naked - Black Friday sale At Terra Cotta Inn 11/25-28th - Save 25%

Call Terra Cotta Inn's for their BlacK Friday to Cyber Monday sale. Rates as low as less than $95/night plus tax.

As everyone knows, Terra Cotta Inn nude sunbathing resort in Palm Springs, California, the sunniest city in the US has ALWAYS been the best value nudist resort out west as reported by and of course guests. Our great value is one of the many reasons why we have one of the highest repeat guest rates in the whole travel industry at over 80% repeats from around the world.

From being the ONLY nudist resort in the western US that serves complimentry breakfast and afternoon snacks everyday of the week (many nudist resorts only have food on weekends when they have visitors). To having free wifi, very comfortable, large rooms, a pool heated to 86F (You would be surprised at how many nudist resorts do NOT heat their pool or jacuzzis, even ones charging thousands of dollars a week). We consistantly deliver great value.

These are some of the many reasons why we are the ONLY affordably luxurious nudist resort in the WORLD. And why places like the Chicago Tribune, Huffington Post, Lonely Planet Travel Guide Company, Tripadvisor, AOL, USA TODAY, Vancouver Sun, and much more always pick us as one of the 10 best nudist resorts in the US or world. And we are usually picked in the top 5 if not higher.

We are also the most fun nudist resort in the US. I always say if you naturally have a smile and you are a friendly happy person, you will have your best vacation ever here. Palm Springs Life Magazine in their Dec 2010 Best of the Best issue picked us as the BEST of ALL small resorts in the whole Palm Springs area. And one of the reasons we are the best is because our guests are so nice. So if you are grouchy or snobby, or you like going to unpopular nudist places that are usually pretty empty especailly midweek, we always will refer you elsewhere as you won't be happy here.

How can we make Terra Cotta Inn better? How about a special BLACK FRIDAY to CYBER MONDAY SALE.

Yes, from 9am PST this Friday 11/25 until 9pm PST 11/28 call us at 800-786-6938 and save.

We are selling special Naked Vacation vouchers. Pay $75 and get a $100 voucher. Good at any time except over holiday periods such as Christmas and New Years weeks, Easter week, Memorial Day week, Forth of July week, Labor Day week, and Thanksgiving week. ALSO, we are the ONLY nudist resort in Palm Springs that can consistantly sell out even midweek. We are not just a Saturday night getaway like so many other naked places. So you need to book in advance or you need to hope for last minute cancellations. This offere is obviously not available when we are already sold out.

There is no expiration.

Further you do NOT have to book a vacation now. You can buy the vouchers to use in the future. And the vouchers are 100% refundable!

Finally best of all, the vouchers can be used on top of any other special that Terra Cotta Inn is running. SO they are as good as cash. Asdn you can really save. this means your vacatiopn this December or January for a week would be as low as $659/week plus tax. That's less than $95/day plus free breakfast and afternoon snacks. NO WHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD is as good a value as Terra Cotta Inn.

Now is the perfect time for a fun, romantic, sunny, unique vacation experience. One that you will want to repeat over and over.

Never been to a clothing optional resort before? No problem. We are the most mainstream nudist resort in the US and are perfect for couples trying topless or nude sunbathing for the first time as reported by the Desert Sun newspaper, Palm Springs!

And in July 2011, the Los Angeles Times newspaper picked us as the most popular of ALL small resorts in Southern California. Pretty cool that our nudist resort is more popular than all the boring textile hotels. And they picked the city of Palm Springs as the runner up best travel destination of ALL Southern California.

Give us a call at 800-786-6938 to make reservations or for more information. We answer the phones from 8am-10pm PST.

Visit our site at

Visit our Facebook resort page at

Hope to see you this year in sunny Palm Springs at Terra Cotta Inn!!!

tags: Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Desert Sun, newspaper, AOL, MSNBC, Terra Cotta Inn, Sale, save, nudist resort, nudist resorts, vacation, vacations, nudsit,

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