Monday, January 16, 2012

Special room rates this weekend January 20th - 22nd in honor of Nude Jude's Birthday at Terra Cotta Inn, Palm Springs, CA

Everyone LOVES Nude Jude our Black Labrador/Shepherd mix pound puppy. We are celebrating her 2nd birthday this weekend January 20th - 22nd. We'll have a birthday party for her Saturday, January 21st with cake and ice cream. So come celebrate Nude Jude's birthday in your birthday suit and save

In honor of Jude's Birthday, we have a special rate SALE this weekend only. All, rooms are 25% off or only $125/night on Friday and Saturday nights January 20th, 21st, and 22nd. We always allow early check in at 10am, late check out until 5pm. We include complimentary breakfast and afternoon snacks. And best of all no hidden resort or grounds fees. The weather is predicted to be nice and sunny and warm this weekend. Great nude sunbathing weather.

And further in honor of Jude's birthday, since she is a pound puppy, bring a new dog toy for our local Palm Springs animal shelter or donate $10 and get a raffle ticket for a a chance to win a free 2 night stay at Terra Cotta Inn. Jude is proud of her pound puppy heritage and is very happy to help less fortunate dogs and cats.

Now is the perfect time for a fun, romantic, unique vacation experience one that you will want to repeat over and over the rest of your lives.

Never been to a clothing optional resort before? No problem. We are the most mainstream nudist resort in the US and are perfect for couples trying topless or nude sunbathing for the first time!

Just this fall AOL Travel, UK wrote "Discover our picks of the BEST Clothing Optional resorts around the world." They recommended Terra Cotta Inn as the ONLY nude sunbathing resort in the US catering to couples. Pretty cool.

It's nice when the LA Times, or Los Angeles Magazine, or Palm Springs Life Magazine pick us as the best place to stay in Southern California, but this is even cooler when AOL Travel England recognizes us also as the best place for couples.

And of course we're the best not because of being snobby. We're the best because we have the best guests. They have so much fun and are so friendly and wonderful.

AOL Travel also wrote about Terra Cotta Inn nudist resort that we "are considered one of the best value nudist resorts in the world." No reason to overpay for a nude vacation any more. You get to stay at the most popular place and save money on your nude vacation.

We are an affordably luxurious nudist resort. And don't forget all January long, we have our annual room sale of stay 1 night, the 2nd is 50% off on Sunday through Thursday nights.

Give us a call at 800-786-6938 (toll free US and Canada) for more information or to make reservations.

Visit our site at

Visit us on facebook at

Above are photos of Mary Clare playing football with Jude and Nude Jude opening birthday presents from last year.

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We hope to see you soon in sunny Palm Springs!

Labels: Jude, Nude Jude, pound puppy, Terra Cotta Inn, Palm Springs, Los Angeles, best, clothing optional, nudist resorts, birthday, nude birthday, birthday suit,popular, save, discount, special, sale,

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