Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Go Skinny Dipping in Sunny Palm Springs- Get out of the Rain and Cold in the Pacific Northwest

Get out of the cold, rain and snow in the Pacific Northwest and come on down to sunny Palm Springs, California. Enjoy tour sunshine, and go skinny dipping at The Terra Cotta Inn. Did you know we are the sunniest city in the US averaging only 3 inches of rain a year?

Washington is the number one home state of our guests? And Canada is #2. We cater to vacationers from around the world. We are not just another nudist weekend getaway like typical naked places. No matter what day of the week you are here, you will always meet friendly, smiling guests, interesting guests.

Now is the perfect time for a fun, romantic, sunny, unique vacation experience. One that you will want to repeat over and over again..

Never been to a clothing optional resort before? No problem. We are the most mainstream nudist resort in the US and are perfect for couples trying topless or nude sunbathing for the first time as reported by our local newspaper, the Desert Sun, Palm Springs!

In 2010, MSNBC picked us as the Best value nude sunbathing resort in the western US. And in October, 2011, AOL Travel picked Terra Cotta Inn as one of the top 10 BEST nudist resorts in the world and the only one in the US that caters to couples on vacation. And they also picked Terra Cotta Inn as the BEST VALUE nude sunbathing resort in the world!!! Now that is really cool. And 2012 marks the 5th year in a row that Terra Cotta Inn has not raised room rates. We love saving guests money and they love it. With our great value and rates it's no wonder Terra Cotta Inn is the smart choice for experienced nudists and naturists and first time nude sunbathers.

In July 2011, the Los Angeles Times newspaper picked us as the most popular of ALL small resorts in Southern California. Pretty cool that our nudist resort is more popular than all the other boring textile hotels. And they picked the city of Palm Springs as the runner up best travel destination of ALL Southern California.

Give us a call at 800-786-6938 (toll free Us and Canada) to make reservations or for more information. We answer the phones from 8am-10pm PST.

Visit our site at http://sunnyfun.com

Visit our Facebook resort page at http://bit.ly/TerraCottaInnFBPage

Hope to see you this year in sunny Palm Springs at Terra Cotta Inn!!!

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