Monday, April 9, 2012

We have never taken online reservations here at The Terra Cotta Inn. Occasionally we get asked why. Today I saw a good article that explains our philosophy. Here is what they wrote:

"Small Business tip of the Day
All Business is Not Good Business
While your product or service may be beneficial to the vast majority, not every client is worth the effort. A business filled with clients who are consistently looking for a "better deal" – or are otherwise causing you to lose sleep at night – is a clear sign that it’s time to redefine your target market." Click for story

As all nudists and naturists know, Terra Cotta Inn is the most popular nude sunbathing resort in Palm Springs, California. We are the only nude sunbathing resort that caters to guests on vacation and will even sell out midweek. The press is always picking us as the best nude sunbathing resort to stay at in Palm Springs or out west. Because we are known as the most mainstream nude sunbathing resort in the west and perfect for couples trying topless or nude sunbathing for the first time (from Desert Sun newspaper), we have lots of first timers contact us. As nudists all know, not all first timers realize that nudist resorts are not sex clubs and are not for swingers.

We screen our potential guests with every single phone call. Probably 20% of new people that call were looking for a sex clubs or swinger resorts. We always recommend them to go elsewhere. If we were like some other nude hotels and booked anybody with a credit card, then we would have lots of people staying here for the wrong reasons. Part of the reason we are so successful is we do carefully screen our guests and that is one of the many reasons why we have one of the highest repeat guest rates in the travel industry at just over 80% repeats.

The other reason we don't take reservations online is because we are very popular and do sell out. We get guests calling or e-mailing asking about certain dates where we are already sold out. This way, we can suggest what we have available. Many of our guests are flexible as far as their vacation time is concerned. In the summer for instance we have lots of school teachers. So they can easily pick different dates to stay here.

Once repeat guests learn the way we operate is to ensure they have their best vacation here ever, they are happy we don't book online.

Now is the perfect time for a fun, romantic, sunny, unique vacation experience. One that you will want to repeat over and over again..

Never been to a clothing optional resort before? No problem at The Terra Cotta Inn

In 2010, MSNBC picked us as the Best value nude sunbathing resort in the western US. And in October, 2011, AOL Travel picked Terra Cotta Inn as one of the top 10 BEST nudist resorts in the world and the only one in the US that caters to couples on vacation. And they also picked Terra Cotta Inn as the BEST VALUE nude sunbathing resort in the world!!! Now that is really cool. And 2012 marks the 5th year in a row that Terra Cotta Inn has not raised room rates. We love saving guests money and they love it. With our great value and rates it's no wonder Terra Cotta Inn is the smart choice for experienced nudists and naturists and first time nude sunbathers.

In July 2011, the Los Angeles Times newspaper picked us as the most popular of ALL small resorts in Southern California. Pretty cool that our nudist resort is more popular than all the other boring textile hotels. And they picked the city of Palm Springs as the runner up best travel destination of ALL Southern California.

Give us a call at 800-786-6938 (toll free Us and Canada) to make reservations or for more information. We answer the phones from 8am-10pm PST.

Visit our site at

Visit our Facebook resort page at

Hope to see you this year in sunny Palm Springs at Terra Cotta Inn!!!

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