Monday, August 25, 2008

Eva mendes says nudity is OK

Eva Mendes is a nudist friendly person. She goes topless sunbathing. And she speaks out about how nudity should be more accepted in the US.
She recently produced a TV ad for Calvin Klein perfume. You could see one of her nipples for a brief second in the ad. Thus the ad was banned from running on American TV.
Here is what Eva has to say about the ban:
"NUDITY IS OKAY: Eva Mendes has spoken out about her banned commercial during a trip to Australia.
Eva Mendes has defended her controversial advertisement for Calvin Klein perfume, an ad that was banned from American TV screens for being too raunchy.
Mendes - who flashes her nipple in the ad - has spoken out about the ban, accusing American censors of promoting violence while continuing to ban nudity.
"I'm completely American, I was born and raised in America and I love it but I think we are too quick to censor nudity," Mendes told during her current visit to Australia.
"Meanwhile, it's okay to blow things up and our films are so violent and our television is so violent.
"I would rather see tasteful nudity than violence any day of the week."...
The star has also posed topless for animal rights group Peta."
For the full story click here
To see the actual video and judge for yourself if it should have been banned CLICK HERE FOR BANNED TV AD
I have to agree with Eva. Why is our goverment so scared of the sight of a bare nipple. Look at the big American uproar over Janet Jackson where the rest of the world laughed at our government "leaders."
The only reason I can think of for this deep fear of nipples is deep down most politicians realize that they really are boobs and nipples remind them of how incompetent they really are.
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