Monday, August 25, 2008

How Eve Mendes can appear topless on American TV

Eva Mendes is a spokesperson for a Calvin Klein perfume. They produced a pretty sexy ad for TV. Because you can see Eva Mendes nipples for a fraction of a second, the FCC banned the ad from American TV.

Eva complains that she would rather see tasteful nudity on TV or in movies than all the violence that passes as entertainment.

In most European countries it is true, most violent shows can not run until later in the evening protecting children from violence. As Europeans know violence begets more violence, where nudity is fun.

That is why they have a much lower incidence of violence than the US has and why the teenage pregnancy rate is way lower than ours.

I figured out how Eva Mendes could appear topless on the Calvin Klein ad. If she was nude, shooting up people, the FCC would approve the ad in a heartbeat.

If you want a fun vacation where you can go topless or nude sunbathing, give us The Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa a call at 800-786-6938. Visit our site at

Hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs!

And Eva, if you want a nice fun vacation in your birthday suit, feel free giving us a call.

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