Thursday, October 9, 2008

More on Teenager arrested for sending nude photos over cell phone

It appears that the young 15 year old girl that was sending nude pictures of herself to other students has been personally warned NOT to do so. She is a foster child and it appears obviously is having problems with life choices at this young stage of her life.

However, to charge her with a felony and put her on a sex offender list for the rest of her life, definitely is over kill. Especially when teenagers convicted of robberies get their records routinely cleaned when they reach age 18.

Is the young girl guilty of stupidity? Yes. Should she send pictures of herself naked to her friends? No. But, to charge her with a serious offense in a victimless "crime" is insane. Sentence her to counseling. I would bet, she has lots of issues being a foster child and has probably had a very rough life (although I really don't know). This girl was not engaged in the distribution of pornography, she was engaged in acting out, like many dumb high school kids do.

Here is the update:

"Oswalt: Student specifically warned about cell-phone nudity

NEWARK -- School officials pulled aside a Licking Valley High School student and warned her about nude cell-phone photographs immediately after a presentation from the Licking County Prosecutor's Office on the same subject, according to a press release from Prosecutor Ken Oswalt.

A month later the 15-year-old girl was charged for allegedly doing exactly what she was cautioned against.

"School officials have reported to me that after my presentation at her school they specifically confronted this girl regarding concerns they had and they specifically warned her to take heed of the message she heard from my presentation," Oswalt wrote in the release. "Thus, this girl got a personal face-to-face warning of the consequences of this behavior."

...She is accused of taking nude photographs of herself and sending them to others, who also might potentially face a judge for possessing pictures of a minor in a state of nudity...

He declined to comment on whether this girl, if found delinquent, should be classified as a Tier II offender...

The defendant is a foster child..."

For the full story click here

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