Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Naked Yoga

This was an interesting article about naked yoga. What I though most interesting were the comments.

Most of the comments sounded like they were from grade school kids. Here is a comment from a woman (supposedly an adult):

"Hell no. Sorry, but there are definitely people I wouldn't want to see naked, or to have see me naked. And I'd find it hard to get into the proper frame of mind with some guy's business dangling a few feet in front of me. Just the thought is making me giggle like I'm sixth grader in sex ed class."

My wife Mary Clare practices nude yoga and pilates every night. It is great exercise and keeps you limber. (Me I work). She says being nude really encourages you to focus.

I can't believe how immature so many people are about trying out new things. Or how they maek fun of others fro being adventerous.

You can easily try out naked yoga at home. You would be amazed at how much it helps you. (OK, I confess, Mary Clare has gotten me to do nude pilates with her).

Here's the story:

Naked Yoga: Expose Your Asana

I love practicing yoga alone or in a class, with friends or strangers, indoors or outside on the grass, but I'm not so sure I'd ever strike a pose without my clothes. Naked Yoga classes aren't anything new, but lately they're becoming more acceptable.

I'm sure you all have your visions of what goes on in a Naked Yoga class, that it's one big group orgy. Just because people are naked in a room together doesn't mean that the focus has to be on sex. Believe it or not, there are many non-sexual reasons people choose to practice without their capris and halters on. Some veteran yogis are looking for a new and different experience, while others are trying to overcome weight or body image issues. Some appreciate the clarity of seeing the instructor's body, and some just like Naked Yoga because it's "taboo." Others feel that being naked is very spiritual and healing, and the physical shedding of their clothes allows them to emotionally shed negativity and judgments..."

For the full story click here

And if you have always wanted to try topless or nude sunbathing, give us a call at 800-786-6938. Visit our site at

We are considered the most mainstream clothing optional resort in America and perfect for couples trying nude sunbathing for the first time.

Hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs!

And yes, you can do naked yoga at our resort.

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