Is this crazy our what. A 15 year old girl sends nude photos of herself to school friends. Obviously someone reports this to another someone in authority and the police are brought in.
They arest this girl on charges of juvenile child pornography and have her spend the weekend in jail.
Now this is the best part. "Authorities were also considering charges for students who received the photos." I love it. You answer your text and it is a naked picture of a classmate and you can be charged with child pornography.
Now what should have happened is the kid's cell phone should be taken away. The kid should be grounded for at least a month. The parents should say to their daughter, "what do you want to do, grow up to be just like Pamela Anderson?" And the kid should text those pictures to the prosecutor so they can be arrested and replaced and let someone with common sense be put in charge.
Ruining a kids life over sending a cell phone pic of themselves, unbelievable. No wonder America has no moral respect anymore in the world.
And thinking of arresting kids for opening a text message, now that is sheer lunacy. That town needs to vote out their prosecutors and quick.
Here's the story:
"15-Year-Old Girl Faces Child Porn Charges for Nude Cell Phone ...
Teen sent nudes of self, could be classified sex offender
teen charged for sending nude phone photos
NEWARK, Ohio (AP) — Police in Newark, Ohio, have arrested a 15-year-old girl on juvenile child pornography charges for allegedly sending nude cell phone photos of herself to classmates.
The girl was arrested Friday and held over the weekend. Her defense filed denials in court Monday.
Police did not identify the girl by name and prosecutors promised a statement with details later Wednesday. Authorities were also considering charges for students who received the photos."
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