Thursday, November 20, 2008

Clothing store uses nudity to sell women's clothes

Terra Cotta Inn was once featured on A few years ago, the Bluefly clothing company was using nude models in one of their ads. They leaked the story to me asking me to blog about it, positive or negative. Of course, that was back in the days when our original blog was extremely popular. Back before google decided to censor nudist blogs.

Bluefly thought it would be cool to have a nudist resort be the first to comment on the ad. They figured that would create some buzz. And it did. That story was covered by many advertising related websites in the US and was pretty positive towards us. The ad sites reactions were mixed towards Bluefly. Some thought it was terrible to use nudity in an ad, others said grow up, they do it in Europe, why is the US so backwards, etc.

American Apparel, a small boutique young adults clothing store targets the 20 something women's market. In a current internet ad, they show a models bare breast including a nipple in that ad. CLICK HERE FOR THE AD I can't show bare nipples on this blog as they are considered too scary of a sight to google.

I guess American Apparel feels that nudity is a positive selling factor. They want to be considered a hip clothing store. So I guess to them showing a bare breast is hip. A number of years ago picked us as one of the hip hotels of palm Springs mainly because people nude sunbathe at our hotel.

Hey there fellow nudists, were Hip!!!

Here is the story:

"Shocker! American Apparel Uses Nudity to Sell Clothing!
Once again, nudity in advertising brings back good old-fashioned American outrage. To which, we offer our standard reply: Why so shocked? Nudity is natural and beautiful. And, not to mention, normal.

Of course, using it to sell products is another story but still. Is it really so horrific to show nude people in ads?...

For the full story Click here

Well American Apparel if you are interested in doing a photoshoot shoot here, give me a call.

And even if you aren't a hipster and want to try topless or nude sunbathing, give us a call at 800-786-6938. Visit our site at

Hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs!

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