What is it about the Bush administration's preoccupation with Janet Jackson's nipples?
The FCC wanted to fine CBS for Janet Jackson's famous wardrobe malfunction. The US court of appeals said the federal government acted arbitrarily and capriciously in fining CBS as they were not a part of this PR stunt.
Well the federal government wants to waste more of the taxpayers money. They are appealing this case to the US Supreme Court. It makes you wonder, doesn't this administration have better things to waste taxpayer's payers money on? why are the boobs in Washington so scared of a nipple?
Here's the story:
"Jackson's 'Nipplegate' case could reach US high court
WASHINGTON (AFP) — The US government has asked the Supreme Court to reimpose a half-million-dollar fine slapped on CBS television for a 2004 broadcast of live images of pop star Janet Jackson's breast, court documents obtained by AFP show.
It is up to the Supreme Court to decide whether it will consider the request.
Prosecutors are asking the high court justices to weigh in on a case that raised eyebrows and stirred passions in the United States, where nudity on non-pay television is a no-no in advertising, while rare and limited to late-night hours in television series....
The Federal Communications Commission imposed a 550,000 dollar fine on CBS for breaking indecency rules.
But after a three-year court fight, a federal court in Philadelphia in July ruled that the network could not be held responsible for Janet Jackson's actions.
The government asked the high court to consider "whether the court of appeals erred in holding that the federal communications commission acted arbitrarily and capriciously (...) in determining that the most widely viewed broadcast public nudity in television history fell within the federal prohibitions on broadcast indecency.'"
For the full story click here
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