Saturday, November 22, 2008

Palm Springs is the sunniest city in America

Here is a photo of the Palm Springs sunshine today. I took this picture about 30 minutes ago. If you looked at you will see that it says our current weather is mostly cloudy.

Where can I get a job at Obviously, you don't have to be right with your predictions. Just make up any old bad weather and throw it up on your site. For instance they said yesterday would be a high of 80F. We were 85F.

The reason I bring this up is we just had a couple from Southern California cancel for tomorrow. They said they don't want to come out nude sunbathing because it is cloudy.

As much as I tried to convince them otherwise, they still didn't believe me. I even told them look at where they can see our current city weather which shows sunny, not mostly cloudy like printed. They still wouldn't change their minds as they said they were already bummed out by the cloudy weather forecast.

Don't the people at care that they are ALWAYS so inaccurate? Obviously not. And there bad predictions do affect businesses as there are still people in the world who aren't smart enough to realize a lot of's predictions are not right.

If you have always wanted to try topless or nude sunbathing, give us a call at 800-786-6938. Visit our site at

So whenever predicts bad weather for Palm Springs, NEVER believe them. We are the sunniest city in the US and they love predicting bad weather for us. They predict we are so cloudy and rainy you would think we were located in rainy Florida instead of sunny Palm Springs.

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