This week residents in Westmore, Vermont proved that they have more common sense than politicians.
For decades there has been a nude beach there. Someone got their undies tied up in a knot and wanted it closed. Instead of telling that person to go to a different beach as well over 99.9999% of all beaches in the US you are forced to wear a bathing suit, those town officials decided that they had to spend taxpayer money and have an election.
Now I will give the politicians credit as they said it would cost about $25,000 a year, every year, to close down the nude beach. They asked the citizens to vote as to whether they wanted to waste their tax dollars trying to close a popular nude beach or leave it open.
By an overwhelming majority, the taxpayers voted for the nude beach.
Here is the story:
"Residents in Westmore, Vt., have voted down a measure to allocate $25,000 to enforce a nudity ban...
Forty-one people voted against the proposal with 14 people supporting the measure.
For decades a section of the lake has been clothing optional.
Last summer the select board turned down a proposal to ban nude sunbathing in part because there would be no way of enforcing it..."
For the full story click here
Too bad politicians in other parts of the country don't let citizens vote for nude beaches.
The weather is fantastic in sunny Palm Springs, CA. Now is the perfect time to finally try topless or nude sunbathing.
Give us, the Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa a call at 800-786-6938
Visit our site at http://sunnyfun.com
Hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs!
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