Every week, we will get one or more e-mails or phones call from guys saying they made a mistake by taking their wife or girlfriend to an unofficial nude beach. She hated the experience because of all the creepy single men at the nude beach and now she will never try nude sunbathing again. Then they ask for our advice on how to get their wife or girlfriend to vacation at our resort.
Most of the time, it is too late at that point because in the woman's mind all naked places, nude beaches, nudist resorts, nudist campgrounds, etc are all the same. We explain that he should tell her that just like in the real world there are major differences in accommodations like state parks, private campgrounds, Motel 6's and Ritz Carlton's, the same is true of nudism.
Here's a post I just read on a nudist forum:
"Ha ha, well I can just about see her point. I actually had the EX at the beach a couple of times. But I guess they were two bad times to be there because she caught guys going at it both trips. I tried hard to explain to her that was not a normal thing, but she had already made up her mind." The conclusion was she has never gone anywhere nude again.
The best thing is go to a nice nudist resort first. Your first experience is so important. If a woman has a bad meal at a restaurant, she doesn't stop going to restaurants, she just stops eating at that particular one or chain. That's not true of nude recreation. If the first experience is bad, odds are a woman will NEVER try nude sunbathing with others again.
Now one exception is legal nude beaches in the US like Haulover Beach, Sandy Hook, and Rooster Rock. They have lifeguards so they are like regular beaches, just every one gets better tans. Those beaches are OK of a first experience. And most European nude beaches are fine too as they have a much more mature attitude towards nudism than most Americans do.
Because of the importance of your first experience, we have first timers from around the world fly here to our resort, the Terra Cotta Inn, Palm Springs, CA. They then of course become our repeat guests.
In December 2010, Palm Springs Life Magazine in their Best of the Best issue picked The Terra Cotta Inn as the best small resort of ALL small resorts in the whole Palm Springs area. We were picked not because we are exclusive and snobby. Quite the opposite. We were picked the best because it is so friendly here and because the guests have such a great time.
So we hope to see you too in sunny Palm Springs whether you are a first timer or experienced nudist or naturist.
Tom Mulhall
Terra Cotta Inn Clothing Optional Resort and Spa, Palm Springs, CA
Call 800-786-6938 for info or reservations
Visit our website by clicking: http://sunnyfun.com
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