Palm Springs was 89F and 100% sunny yesterday Wednesday April 8th. But, you never would have known that if you had looked at weather.com's predictions yesterday. They said Palm Springs would be 76F and partly cloudy.
Now our resort was 100% full guests yesterday. Yet, I know of 2 couples from Los Angeles that cancelled driving out for day use because of weather.com. No matter how much I told the people that there was not a cloud in the sky and we we were warm, they did not believe me. They said they didn't want to take a chance because we would be cold and cloudy yesterday.
I hate weather.com How can companies run a site that is so WRONG and yet people blindly believe it? Americans know politicians lie to us all the time, why don't they realize the same is true about weather.com?
In January, weather.com forecast 12 days of rain for Palm Springs, yet we only had 2 days where it was partly cloudy for maybe about 5 hours in the day.
I wonder how many $10's of thousands of dollars we lose every year due to their inaccuracies. And multiply that by all the other tourist businesses in Palm Springs. Can the tourist industry file claims with their site for gross incompetence and scaring away customers?
Finally, when I tell people at our resort, how wrong weather.com is, they all say it is wrong where they live too. Why isn't there something more accurate? Like Chimpanzees throwing darts at a weather map. I know they could more accurately forecast the weather, compared to weather.com
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