Godiva who is pictured here, used to be for nudity. If she had her way, she would skip her collar. When she was young, she used to bark at people who wore clothes. And this has been documented in the Arizona Republic newspaper by a reporter that was writing about her first experience nude sunbathing at our resort.
When she went to the pool wearing clothes, Godiva barked at her, when she decided to go to her room and come out nude and sunbathe like everyone else, Godiva was fine.
Now Disney is confusing poor Godiva. It is warning people about animal nudity as if it is a "bad" thing.
Disney has a new movie called Earth. It has been getting great reviews as it shows how mankind can ruin the world not only for us, but for ALL living creatures. I have not seen it, but have been told it is very educational.
The reason I bring this up, I just read that the movie reviews caution that the movie contains "brief animal frontal nudity". I kid you not!
Here is what I read:
"I thought you would enjoy reading the review of the movie Earth. Specifically, the last paragraph mentions 'brief frontal animal nudity.' Am I missing something?
"Animals are always nude, and we see them from every angle - side, back and yes, brace yourself, the front (gasp!). Not only is this nudity brief (thank goodness), but it's animal nudity..."
- missyfern1
Dear missyfern1:
Thanks for pointing this out. You sound like somebody who has a reasonable grasp of the animal world, perhaps somebody who used to live in a beautiful part of the country where animals freely roam...
Like you, I don't think of animals as nude.
But then again, this is a Disney movie, and in that world, animals frequently wear clothes, even hats.
My other beef with this warning is the word "frontal." I assume this is to warn us about the mammals and not, say, alligators.
But being that most mammals walk on all fours, the idea of animal frontal nudity assumes the viewing perspective of an auto mechanic checking out your car's catalytic converter..."
Click here for the story
Now I checked on line and sure enough, newspaper reviews of this movie all contained the "brief frontal animal nudity" warning. For instance you can see that warning here in t he Washington post's movie review: click here to see movie review warning
Now you know little kids could care less about nude animals. That means Disney's lawyers made them add that disclaimer because they were afraid that American adults would get upset seeing a naked polar bear, or elephant, or even god forbid a naked whale.
Has America gone nuts where we are so afraid of a creature not wearing clothes that we have to warn people that they may see naked animals in movies? What's next little tops and bottoms for female dogs when they go to the beach. And for risque female french poodles, I guess they can go topless and just wear a thong. But wait, dogs have 10 nipples. That's a lot of nipples to have to cover up. So I don't know if we should let them go topless. After all some in the religious right might get upset.
Is Disney going to go back and warn people there there is nudity in Bambi and 101 Dalmatians?
Well Godiva is doing her part to make Disney happy. Here is a picture of her wearing her new work uniform so no one can accuse her of showing improper animal frontal nudity.
If this isn't the silliest story I have read in a long time, I don't know what is.
And if you aren't afraid of human nudity, try a fun vacation this year at our clothing optional resort, The Terra Cotta Inn located in sunny Palm Springs, CA. We are the sunniest city in the US and the perfect place for couples trying topless or nude sunbathing for the first time.
Give us a call at 800-786-6938.
Visit our site at http://sunnyfun.com
We hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs!
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