Monday, June 8, 2009

Should nude resorts be clothing optional or nudity mandatory

I thought this was interesting. A nudist resort blog from Canada that says clothing optional policies do not work.

I would never say that their policy of mandatory nudity doesn't work, yet obviously they feel so threatened by successful clothing optional resorts like ours that they have to devote a whole podcast to saying why they feel clothing optional doesn't work.

Now what exactly is a clothing optional resort? Every single nudist place is independently owned and operates in a manner that they think is best for their guests or club members. All I can say is how do we operate our place. There is no 1 definition of clothing optional.

Years ago, there was a research survey for the purpose of advertising to couples to vacation at nudist resorts. Men didn't care whether a place was nudity mandatory or clothing optional. Women however by a large majority said they would go only to clothing optional resorts because they would feel more comfortable at one. Thus, lots of nude places started calling themselves clothing optional to successfully appeal to first timers. And it WORKS!

We operate our resort based on common sense. People come here to go nude sunbathing. Because we have one the highest repeat guest rate of ALL hotels in the US at just over 75%, our repeat guests set the tone for nude sunbathing.

My wife and I are the owners. We work in the nude as we set the tone for nudity. On our blogs there are nude pictures of us showing we are comfortable with nudity. However at many nudity mandatory resorts, management works dressed. Strange!

Not all people especially women want to eat in the nude. Many women feel comfortable lounging nude poolside, but like to wear a cover up when they walk. That is OK. In the winter, in the evenings it gets chilly, so guests cover up. Common sense prevails.

When people call, we screen them. We tell people that our guests come here to topless or nude sunbathe, not to sit around in bathing suits. If they want to sit around in a swim suit, then go to a Marriott. Thus we never get people not at least topless sunbathing.

Our clothing optional philosophy works. We are extremely popular and are the only nudist resort that caters to couples on vacation in the western US. I know if we were nudity mandatory like other places, we would have much lower occupancy rates like them.

Now I don't care what Bare Oaks naturist parks clothing policy is. It is their right to make whatever policy they want.

This reminds me of the arguments that some naturists give that nudists aren't as "pure" as naturists. Who cares. That's why I like it that AANR came up with the term nude recreation to get rid of the silliness in the terminology.

Finally, on nudist forums, I always see lots of men insisting on nudity manditory policies, but I don't remember and younger women starting out in nude recreeation ever insist on manditory nudity.

That blog should not go saying Clothing optional does not work as some of the most successful nudist resorts in the world are clothing optional.
This is from their blog:

"Why Clothing-Optional Does Not Work
Episode VIII

We discuss the many reasons why clothing-optional policies do not work in naturist clubs. Naturism wasn't always so tolerant. In the beginning of the 20th century when naturism started, wearing clothes in a naturist club was not an option. The clothing-optional policy, a well-meaning attempt to be more inclusive and to make it easier for new people, has actually back-fired..."

For the full post click here

Now if you are a first timer and want a fun relaxing vacation, our resort, The Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa is the perfect place. We ARE the most mainstream nudist resort in America and perfect for couples trying topless and nude sunbathing for the first time. We are ranked by both and as one of the 10 best clothing optional resorts in the world.

Give us a call at 800-786-6938.

Visit our site at

We hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs!

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