I recently saw this posted at a nudist blog. click here to see the blog
"Ten Commandments of Naturism
Being a member of Skinbook can be quite entertaining sometimes, especially if you don’t take the discussions too seriously... it seems that the original poster is quite serious...
1 Only wear clothes and shoes for warmth and protection.
2 Do not alter any part of your body.
3 Respect the environment and cut down on activities (sic) that are detrimental to the destruction of the natural environment.
4 Respect your body. Do not smoke or drink alcohol to excess. Do not use medications made by big drug companies.
5 Do not eat meat.
6 Do not gamble.
7 Use your real name as a naturist.
8 Have a bit of common sense in knowing situations when being nude is appropriate and not.
9 Do not use naturism as a smokescreen for other forms of behaviour that is practiced by other social minorities such as homosexuality or swinging.
10 Have fun and stay positive."
What does everyone think.
My opinion is if these were truly the 10 commandments of nudism, then we would have an empty resort.
I always love people who think they know what is "best" for everyone else like the person who wrote these 10 commandments.
We opened the Terra Cotta Inn almost 15 years ago. When we opened, a so called naturist "leader" told us he was appalled that we used http://sunnyfun.com as our web address. He said how dare we say naturism was fun. We were sending out the wrong message. He said naturism had nothing to do with fun. To him it was a religion and he was as dogmatic as any wacky religious right preacher you have seen.
He spent the rest of his life being a negative influence towards our business telling everyone don't go to the Terra Cotta Inn because they believe nudism should be fun.
And of course now years later AANR and all other nudist resorts follow our lead telling everyone how much fun it is to enjoy nude recreation.
In my opinion, the whole point of nudism is to have fun enjoying the freedom of not wearing clothes. Of course you need to be respectful of others. And our guests agree since we have one of the highest occupancy rates of all hotels in Palm Springs.
Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa
For more info or reservations, call 1-800-786-6938
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