Thursday, August 6, 2009

Sharon Stone has a topless photo on the cover of Paris Match Magazine

Paris Match Magazine is one of the most popular magazines in France. It is like a combination of Time and People magazines. Sharon Stone just appeared topless on the cover of that magazine.

Now obviously, this is not a nudist photo and it has nothing to do with nudism except to show the difference between the American attitudes towards bare breasts and the European attitudes.

We have been to Europe many times. They are very casual about nudity. To them it is really no big deal. Here in many parts of America, the sight of a woman's bare breasts is almost as bad as committing murder. Actually it is probably worse as American network TV show tons of violence, but no nudity. In Europe, they consider television violence to be bad and nudity is OK.

The Sharon Stone bare breasts story on all of the American websites, showed the cover of Paris Match with stars or black bars covering Sharon Stones breasts. The few European websites I saw covering this story, shows the actual Paris Match cover.

Even with this blog, I am not going to show the original cover as google does not allow blogs to be indexed if they show any nudity. And I want this blog to be indexed. So you will have to go to my other blog at to see the uncensored photo.

Tom Mulhall
Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa
Sunny Palm Springs, CA

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