Thursday, August 6, 2009

Vanessa Hudgens topless photos are on the web again

I don't know anyone who knows Vanessa Hudgens. This week new topless photos of her "leaked" onto the internet.

My personal gut feel says she and her pr agent probably released these photos to increase her movies marketability since she has a new movie about to come out in a few weeks. In America bare breasts sell.

Now don't get me wrong. I think the nude human body is a beautiful thing. Ever since cavemen, artists have been painting nude humans. I would encourage Vanessa to enjoy her life in the nude. Many movie stars admit to enjoying being nude at hope. And lots go topless and nude sunbathing in Europe and the Caribbean.

However, American men seem to go crazy when they see bare breasts. Either they think the sight of bare breasts is a since worse than murder, or they go crazy and can't get enough of seeing breasts.

Now if Vanessa Hudgens had a movie role where being topless was an important part of the plot line like in Monsters Ball where Halle Berry received a best actress Academy Award, people would be complimenting her. Or if Vanessa Hudgens was "caught" innocently topless sunbathing like Hayden Panettiere people would think more highly of her.

Instead most people think of this being just a classless pr stunt. But, it is working. Last I looked, on google news, this story has been picked up 231 times, or once I post here, make it 232 times.

Funny how Vanessa really expects people to believe she had nothing to do with this, ha, ha, ha.

I wish Vanessa good luck and I hope someday she can enjoy life in the nude just like nudists do.

Tom Mulhall
Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa
Sunny Palm Springs, CA

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