I just got back from the AANR West Board of directors meeting. I am the pr chair. AANR West started a twitter account in August. We are now going to start a Facebook account. The boards aim it to embrace social media as much as possible so that members and potential guests of nudist resorts can contact us as easily as possible.
The NY Times just had an article on businesses using Facebook. Here it is:
"Business owner, you might want to friend Facebook.
Identify a short list of goals before you begin.
Show some personality in your page.
Don't shill. Use your page to engage-and trust that sales will follow.
Use Facebook data to analyze your customer demographics.
A growing number of businesses are making Facebook an indispensable part of hanging out their shingles. Small businesses are using it to find new customers, build online communities of fans and dig into gold mines of demographic information.
“You need to be where your customers are and your prospective customers are,” said Clara Shih, author of “The Facebook Era” (Pearson Education, 2009). “And with 300 million people on Facebook, and still growing, that’s increasingly where your audience is for a lot of products and services.”
...Facebook offers an array of tools and networks, and it’s easy to wander down too many paths. Ms. Shih recommends that newcomers start by asking themselves a simple question: What is your basic objective? Is it getting more customers in the door? Building brand awareness? Creating a venue for customer support? Once you have set your goal, you can strategize accordingly.
...You can enliven your page with photos, comments and useful information. As you grow more comfortable, you can add videos or business applications. Flaunt your personality. The page of an ice cream parlor should feel different than that of a funeral parlor. “The pages that are most successful,” said Tim Kendall, the director of monetization at Facebook, “are the ones that really replicate the personality of the business.”
Aim at Potential Customers Only
...“I’d be out of business if I didn’t have Facebook,” Mr. Meyer said. “Especially with this economy, I need to stretch each marketing dollar as much as I possibly can.”
Facebook enables small businesses to engage in targeted marketing that they only could have dreamed about a few years ago. Facebook users fill out profiles with information like hometown, employer, religious beliefs, interests, education and favorite books, movies and TV shows — all of which can help advertisers deliver messages to specific demographic slices.
...“Be patient with it,” Mr. Nelson advised. “People are not going to flock to your social media site overnight. Technology is about the network effect. It takes time for those connections to build.”
For the full article Click here
And if you have suggestions on how AANR West can better reach out to people, feel free calling me at 800-786-6938 or e-mailing me at tom@sunnyfun.com
Tom Mulhall
Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort,
Palm Springs, CA
Follow Terra Cotta Inn on twitter at http://twitter.com/nudist_resorts
Follow AANR WEST on twitter at http://twitter.com/aanrwest
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