I thought this was a very good and a very funny article from a woman reporters point of view about topless sunbathing.
I love Kiwis. We normally average around 4-6 couples a year from New Zealand that vacation with us. They are such fun people.
Here's the story:
"What's wrong with boobs on beaches?
Toplessness on beaches. This topic, which has recently been brought to the fore by a piece on Campbell Live, makes me furious. Not because I am opposed to breasts being flaunted in the fresh air but because the Christchurch weather of late is simply not providing anyone with the opportunity for flesh-baring of any kind.,,
...I never cease to be amazed by the knee-jerk reaction that people have to the very idea, never mind the reality, of breasts being in plain view. It's as if the very presence of mammaries might lead to some great cataclysm or breakdown of the social fabric. Fabric that could be well put to use in a nice high-neck blouse. What if young children see boobs? How might this warp their tiny, impressionable, prone-to-prurience minds? Well, it wouldn't but that never seems to come up in these conversations, does it?
...Having been on beaches in Europe where entire families from the smallest toddler to the most unfortunately wizened grandma were sans top, I can attest that no one was driven to distraction by the sight. People did not run around looting, worshipping the devil, or dry-humping power-poles as a result (the people who did these things were doing so because they were British...on holiday...in Spain). Don't blame the breasts. It wasn't their fault.
...Now, I am quite sure that I'm not the only person who has an opinion on this subject so I encourage you to lay bare your thoughts, if not your chests. If the notion of free-range breasticles bothers you, can you explain why? Are we, as a nation, hopelessly screwed up when it comes to our bodies? If everyone else was doing it too, would you get yours out?"
For the full article click here
Now is the perfect time to try topless sunbathing at The Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa.
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