Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Interesting article on why Getting Naked is good for your Brain

"Get Naked: It’s Good for Your Brain

Okay, buck naked? I am. Fun. Toes wiggle in the shag carpet. Butt cheeks stick to the chair. Nipples goose-bump. We’re natural... nudists! Our huge organs (skin) tingle with sensual data that’s zipped to our thrilled brains. We feel... wild, healthy, alert, spunky. Alive.

Clothing is crushing us! Trapped in tomb-like textiles, we exile our flesh from experiencing the environment. We atrophy the majority of our epidermis...

History reveals many cultures that were not clothes-minded. Spartans were basically bare and their victories in pan-Hellenic sports competitions enticed all neighboring Greeks to exercise nude, creating the word “gymnasium” (Greek gymnos = naked). Romans mingled in magnificent bathhouses, enjoying dense communal nudity as they drank, dined, defecated, bathed, read books, argued politics, and watched theater. Adamists — naked heretics — performed stripped-down church services in North Africa, Bohemia, the Netherlands, and England. Pre-Hitler Germans were avid adherents of Freikorperkultur (“Free Body Culture”) with 70,000 attending co-ed Nacktkultur schools. There’s naked Japanese in hot springs, naked Finns in saunas, “sky-clad” Jain monks in India, plus millions of nudists worldwide going to “Nakation” camps, beaches, and resorts...

Many famous figures are bare-all aficionados; too many politicians to name, so I’ll just list sci-fi and scientists: Leonard Nimoy, Alexander Graham Bell, Robert Heinlein, and seismologist Charles Richter. Of course, most movie stars skinny-dip at the French Riviera, trying to elude paparazzi seeking pix of Bruce Willis’ willy or Natalie Portman’s port side...

Pediatricians agree that infants thrive with a daily dose of “naked time” because the unhampered range of motion aids brain development. Recent discoveries reveal that the “plastic” brain changes and develops throughout our entire lives. Neuroplasticity pioneer Michael M. Merzenich believes, “everything you can see happen in a young brain can happen in an older brain.” This indicates that “naked time” is equally valuable for humans of any age, especially the elderly.

2. Barefoot Medicine. Going shoeless is now recognized as an anti-Alzheimer’s, brain-boosting activity because the sole sensation entices your brain into growing extra, efficient neuron connections...

3. Soothe Away Your Crazies. Massage is recognized as a therapeutic treatment for mental health issues like depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolarism, borderline personality disorder, learning difficulties, and low self-esteem...

4. Socialization. Self-actualization proponent Abraham Maslow believed “Nudism... is itself a kind of therapy.”...

5. Weak Body, Worried Mind. Clothes are a breeding ground for filthy fungi and bad bacterium, causing yeast infections, urinary tract infections, rotting toenails. Lyme Disease deer ticks can grab onto your sweater and sea lice can sneak into your bathing suit crotch. Testicular cancer is linked to tight briefs, breast cancer to tight bras...

For the full interestintg article Click here

Want some great naked time? Now is the perfect time to try topless or nude sunbathing at The Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa.

Never been to a clothing optional resort before? No problem. We are the most mainstream nudist resort in the US and are perfect for couples trying topless or nude sunbathing for the first time!

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Give us a call at 800-786-6938 (toll free US and Canada) for more information or to make reservations.

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We hope to see you soon in sunny Palm Springs!

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