Sunday, June 6, 2010

King of the Social Media Sites - Facebook

Facebook had 42 million American users January 1, 2009. Now it has 103 million at the end of 2009. Roughly 1 out of every 3 Americans has a Facebook account.

Facebook now has more web traffic than google. That is amazing. Now with that said, many people are on facebook due to their apps and games like farmville, mafia wars, etc.

I still find google to be the best for web traffic for my resort and I would assume that is true for other nudist resorts. But, facebook is rapidly growing in my marketing of my nudist resort The Terra Cotta Inn, Palm Springs.

The best segment guests for nudist resorts is the 35+ market. They have the income and the vacation time. 20 something guests are great, but they normally do not have as much vacation time as people 35 and older. My business is not built on just the Saturday night locals and selling memberships like most nudist resorts. We need vacationers as we deliver so much extra value to our guests. we are considered the BEST VALUE nudist vacation resort in the US.

We target the vacationers from around the world. Thus, last year for example, we had more room nights booked by Canadians than we did Californians because Canadians like to stay a week or longer and most Californians like to stay for only a few nights.

I just found a report on how Facebook is growing. I thought everyone might think it interesting.

"Facebook Demographics and Statistics Report 2010 – 145% Growth in 1 Year

Posted in Social Media Marketing, Social Media Monitoring, Social Network Analysis

Key Insights:

1. Facebook’s US user base grew from 42 million to 103 million in 2009. That’s a 144.9% growth rate!
2. The 35+ demographic now represents more than 30% of the entire user base.
3. The 55+ audience grew a whopping 922.7% in 2009. [My note, the fastest growing segment]...

Click here to read the whole fascinating study

Last year I started spending more time on Facebook and it is paying off with new guests and communicating more with repeat guests.

I highly recommend all nudist businesses to get more involved with Facebook.

Tom Mulhall
Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa, Palm Springs, California
For info or reservations call 800-786-6938
Visit our resort site:
Join the Terra Cotta Inn Facebook resort page at

We hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs!

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