Sunday, June 6, 2010

Social media and AANR

Social media and web 2.0 is has been a major marketing boon to the nudist world. Whether you are blogging, using twitter, facebook, myspace, nudist social media sites like skinbook, truenudists, or other social media sites, more people than ever are learning about nudist resorts.

My fellow nudist blogger, Nudiarist discusses skinbook. He is the best nudist blogger on the web and everyone should read what he writes.

He concludes "Nudists and naturists deserve a real, safe online social networking site with clear and established guidelines. It's a shame that when so many people and organizations are working so hard to make nudism and naturism more acceptable in society, Skinbook gets written up in Time magazine merely because it's trendy. Nudists and naturists deserve far better than this superficial, self-serving marketing ploy known as Skinbook." Well put nudiarist!

As some of you may know, I am the PR chair for AANR West. At least once a month, I sit in on the National AANR PR conference call headed by Susan Weaver who will probably be the next AANR president. So I know some of the social media wish lists and plans.

Speaking as AANR West pr chair, we are well aware of the need to get involved in social media. AANR West now has a facebook page at which I encourage everyone to join. AANR also has a facebook page as does TNS.

AANR now has it's own social media "geek squad" where people are donating their time to get us involved in social media.

Someone asked on the AANR WEST board why it took so long for AANR West to start a Facebook presence. I wrote: "This is Tom Mulhall. My wife and I own The Terra Cotta Inn nudist resort in Palm Springs. I am the administrator here although all board members have the password to this Facebook page.

People have to remember, AANR Regionals work is all done by volunteers. We all have jobs and want to do as much as possible to promote nudism and AANR. But, especially in today's economy, everyone has to work harder than ever at their jobs or for us running a nudist resort. At the end of the day, there is not a lot of hours available.

So we can't do things as quickly as we would like to. But, we do do them.

We are always looking for volunteers to help share the load as the more people volunteer to help AANR and nude recreation, the more people learn about it."

For instance it's 9:45pm and I'm still working plugging AANR and my resort, The Terra Cotta Inn. I'd love to have a myspace presence. I just don't have the time to maintain one, so I ignore it. Same with linkedin.

Volunteer to help AANR with social media and help us let the world know all about the fun of nude recreation. By volunteering, you will help us make an impact. If interested in volunteering, give me a call or drop me an e-mail at

Tom Mulhall
Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa
For info or reservations call 800-786-6938
Join the Terra Cotta Inn Facebook resort page at

We hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs!

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