Topless sunbathing has been in the media a lot lately. Especially with last weekend being the National Go Topless protest. Now a female British writer has written a story about how much she enjoys topless sunbathing.
Here's the story:
"There's nothing wrong with topless sunbathing
What’s so wrong with being topless on the beach, asks Bryony Gordon .
Bryony Gordon, Telegraph Columnist
Brigitte Bardot started the trend for topless sunbathing in the sixties.
...When I go on holiday, I like to sunbathe topless. The beach towel goes down, the book comes out, and the bikini top flies off, often in the direction of a startled looking friend who has clearly never seen a pair of breasts before. Seeing as I won’t be using the top to cover my chest, I suggest that instead they use it cover their prudish eyes.
Topless sunbathing is a wonderful thing, a holiday in itself from underwired bras...
A group of Australian politicians tried to ban it in 2008, with one Labour MP, Paul Gibson posing the searching question: “if you’re on the beach, do you want somebody with big knockers next to you when you’re there with the kids?” Well I don’t know Paul - if you positioned yourself right, they might just keep the wind off.
...Here are things I find far more offensive on a beach: speedos; “fashionable” swimming costumes with bits cut out of them; people who go for wees in the sea.
There is a time and a place for topless sunbathing, of course. As a spokesman at Debretts tells me: “You probably don’t want to do it in Battersea park”, and he is right; you want to be many hundreds of miles away from the constraints of your normal life.
Melissa Obadash, a swimwear designer, lived in Italy during her twenties and says she “always sunbathed topless. It was absolutely normal, it is normal. But you can’t do it in America. I once tried on a beach in Miami but the police came over and told me to cover up. I think it’s a bit sad that happens, that they can’t see the body as a natural, beautiful thing.”..
But when, exactly, did we all become such prudes? It seems funny to me that breasts are everywhere you look - on the television, in magazines, on adverts across cities - and yet, when we see a pair in real life, on a real woman, we don’t know where to look. Take the case of the woman who was this week kicked off a bus in Manchester for having the temerity to breastfeed her six-week old son. We have sexualized breasts to the point that we have forgotten what they are there for.
Many believe that the topless sunbather is an exhibitionist, a minx and a strumpet. They are mistaken - mostly, we just don’t like tan lines. And we don’t mind our breasts. Is that such a bad thing?
For the full story click here
Tom Mulhall
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