Wednesday, August 25, 2010

John Tesh says Nakations are the latest travel trend

The words of wisdom that John Tesh's syndicated radio show (over 400 stations) gives is called "Intelligence, Inspiration and Encouragement for Your Life."

Today John Tesh reported on the latest travel trend, Nakations or taking fun vacations at clothing optional and nudist resorts.

What is so cool about this story is John Tesh appeals to middle America. It's mom, apple pie, and John Tesh. And not necessarily in that order of popularity.

John Tesh writes pop and Christian music. He is considered very down to earth and on his radio show he always gives out very valuable and useful advice for living life. His words of wisdom cover many areas like improving your relationships, vacationing, money and finance, workplace, raising families and now nakations.

You can't get more mainstream than John Tesh. And having him talk positively about nakations is phenomenal news. It's just like a couple of years ago having Dear Abby talk positively about vacationing at nudist resorts.

The American Association for Nude Recreation in the last few years has done a fantastic job in mainstreaming nude recreation. Here at The Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa in sunny Palm Springs, California are very proud to be affiliated with this fine organization and highly recommend everyone to join it. They protect and expand our nudist rights. Go to for more information about them and about joining them.

From John Tesh's site:

"Nakations Are The Latest Travel Trend

...The new trend is: The “nakation” – which is a fancy word for naked vacation, basically clothing-optional spa, cruise and hotel stays for people who’d rather relax in their birthday suits, and pack only the basics: sunscreen, sunglasses, shoes, hat, and toothbrush.

According to The New York Times, nakations are big business... Nakations rake in $500 million a year – and they’re going upscale. Now there are more 5-star nudist resorts than ever. So, what’s the appeal? Nakation enthusiasts insist it’s not about sex. It’s about being free from the artificial pretenses of society, where everyone is judged by what they wear, what they drive, and what they do. Larry Massa, a retired Navy commander who takes nude vacations with his wife, points out that not wearing clothes is the great equalizer, because you have no idea if someone’s a judge, a doctor, or a mechanic. To make sure every guest is comfortable, many nude vacation resorts turn away single men, or only allow couples....

Before you write off the nakation as gross, weird, or perverted – know this: both Benjamin Franklin and Henry David Thoreau extolled the benefits of nude nature walks – or “air baths,” as they called them. The ancient Greeks did a lot of things in the nude, including playing in the Olympics.

For the full article Click here

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Tom Mulhall
Terra Cotta Inn Clothing Optional Resort and Spa
Sunny Palm Springs, CA
Resort site
Resort Facebook page
For more information or reservations about The Terra Cotta Inn, call 1-800-786-6938

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