In August, 2010, USA Today newspaper reported "staycations are so 2009. It's nakations in 2010." KTLA - TV, Los Angeles in a recent poll of 2500 people asked, "Do you think women should be allowed to go topless on California Beaches?" 63.1% of people said YES!
Tripadvisor.com recently reported the results of a poll of 22,000 Americans. The results were 48% of Americans would be willing to bare all on a nude beach, up from 31% last year.
In a recent CNBC.com poll of 10,000 people, they were asked, "Would you want to go on a naked vacation?" 52% responded YES!
Why the sudden popularity? Are Americans finally shedding our puritanical past and becoming more accepting of nudity just like Europeans have for the last 50 years?
There are a number of reasons for the sudden popularity of nakations
One big reason is the economy. Americans are finally tired of overpaying for boring, big box, chain hotel vacations. They're working harder than ever. They want to make every vacation day count. People want new, fun, vacation experiences and nakations are the perfect vacation answer.
"A few years ago, bragging to your friends that you spent over $500 a night at some impersonal, nothing special hotel chain was OK," says Mary Clare Mulhall who together with her husband Tom own the very popular Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa in Sunny Palm Springs, California. Their resort site is http://sunnyfun.com
"But, not any more. Good value vacations are the new luxury. And when you can stay at an affordably luxurious resort like ours, you'll decide that birthday suits are the only thing you'll want to wear from now on for your vacations."
Recently MSNBC TV reported that Terra Cotta Inn is one of the best value nudist resorts in America. And in December, 2009 Palm Springs Life Magazine in their annual Best of the Best issue picked Terra Cotta Inn as one of the 3 best of all small resorts in the whole Palm Springs area. One of the major reasons is because the guests have so much fun.
Erich Schuttauf, the Executive Director of the American Association for Nude Recreation, http://aanr.com the largest organization dedicated to helping people learn all about the fun they're missing out on by not taking nakations, told USA Today. "all you'll need for the week (sunscreen, cap, sunglasses, shoes, and toiletries) can fit in a small carry on that will fit under the seat, avoiding even carry on bag fees."
Finally, vacations at nudist resorts are simply fun. Jennifer and her husband Scott, first time nude sunbathers at Terra Cotta Inn resort in Palm Springs, summed up why she and her husband decided to take their first nakation this summer.
"It's so romantic. The kids are with the grandparents. The sun, the water, my bare skin. It's hard to describe the feeling of freedom. Being naked with others is such a unique, special feeling. I feel so alive. I love it. We've been to Mexico and the Caribbean, been there, done that. Boring and way overpriced. Here, we've been at Terra Cotta only 2 days and already made plans to come back next year with 3 other couples we've become friends with. We've already exchanged e-mail addresses.
I was so nervous coming, but in only 15 minutes, Scott and I looked at each other and said "this is so cool. We should've done this years ago.'"
As CBS TV said, "Nudity is Taking Off."
Make this the year to finally say goodbye to your funny tan lines forever. Give the Terra Cotta Inn, Palm Springs, California a call at 1-800-786-6938 for more information. 2010 is the year of the nakation.
Tom Mulhall
Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa
Palm Springs, CA
Resort site http://sunnyfun.com
Resort Facebook page http://bit.ly/TerraCottaInnFBPage
For more information or reservations, call 800-786-6938
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