Thursday, August 26, 2010

Topless sunbathing complaint dismissed by Italian Court

Here in Los Angeles, a recent KTLA - TV, poll of 2500 people asked, "Do you think women should be allowed to go topless on California Beaches?" 63.1% of people said YES! It looks like Americans are becoming more Europeanized in their attitudes towards topless and nude sunbathing.

However in Europe, they have their own people who hate the sight of the naked human body. In Italy, where it is legal to go topless sunbathing, a mother of 2 boys aged 12 and 14 had a topless sunbather arrested for apply suntan lotion on a topless beach.

Here's the story:

"Italian court throws out topless sunbathing complaint

An Italian court has thrown out a complaint by a mother who said that her young sons were "troubled" by the sight of a busty young woman applying suntan lotion on the beach.

The Rome court took just a few minutes to reject the case, in which the mother-of-two had accused the 26-year-old woman of committing "obscene acts in a public place"...

The mother had asked the fashion store assistant, identified only as Luisa under Italy's privacy laws, to cover herself up because her large breasts and the act of rubbing cream on them had "troubled her sons aged 14 and 12."...

He pointed out that it was not illegal to sunbathe topless on an Italian beach and said it was not his client's fault if she had an "ample bosom".

"The accusation against her was the product of bigotry and provincialism which, luckily, only characterizes a small number of Italians."

Luisa said she was "happy" and relieved with the court's decision, which she described as a victory for common sense...

Tom Mulhall
Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa
Palm Springs, CA
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