A writer at the Laguna Beat for a April Fools Day joke, suggested a nude beach in Laguna Beach as a way to increase tourism in that financially struggling town.
However, the joke is on him as nudism probably would bring in lots of tourists. Using our resort as an example, we have the 2nd highest occupancy rate of ALL hotels in Palm Springs. Only the Indian Casino hotel is busier. We are a 17 room inn, but have the financial impact of a 75 room hotel in town, we are that busy year round and other hotels are not.
Haulover Beach, a nude beach in Miami is the most popular beach in Miami. It has rejuvenated that section of town turning it from a run down area into a major tourism draw.
Here's his story:
"There is fiscal crisis in the city of Laguna Beach. In normal times the parking meters... have an occupancy rate of 76%, but this year that rate has fallen to 44% and continues to fall. No one seems to know when it will recover.
Hotel occupancy rates are also falling. The hotel bed tax revenue is down 32%...
Because of the fiscal crisis... city council met in special session to consider ideas to get visitors back... Only one idea seemed to attract the attention of the council... That idea is to have a clothing-optional area at Main Beach...Since there was a fence already installed for the repair of the boardwalk this fence would remain to block the view from PCH [Pacific Coast Highway]...
David Shepherd, Manager of the Inn at Laguna, suggested if the clothing-optional beach is a success they might convert the hotel rooms at the pool level into a restaurant. “We may earn more in a day serving food than we do for a week of room rentals,” stated Mr. Shepard.
Down at the other end of Main Beach several mothers looking after their children at the playground seem to be in agreement that the kids had their playground why shouldn't’t the adults have theirs at the other end of Main Beach...
Wait, wait I’m not done yet. April Fool to you!"
For the full story click here
Now is the perfect time to vacation at our resort. We are the most mainstream nudist resort in the US and perfect for couples trying topless or nude sunbathing for the first time.
Give us, The Terra Cotta Inn clothing optional resort and spa a call at 800-786-6938. Visit our site at http://sunnyfun.com
We hope to see you in sunny Palm Springs!
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