We have owned The Terra Cotta Inn for 16 years. One of the things that people are confused about is the difference between nudist and clothing optional resorts. And rightly so.
We have had guests who have stayed at so called "nudist resorts" tell us they were shocked by how many residents stay dressed at the nudist resorts and then they are equally shocked by our resort. We advertise Terra Cotta Inn as clothing optional, yet all guests go nude.
I try to tell people EVERY nudist and clothing optional resort in the US is unique. Ask questions before booking. For instance if you want to be nude all the time and the other guests also be nude, we are the nude resort in Palm Springs that you will want to stay at.
The reason I bring this up is someone wrote on a nudist forum:
"Does anyone know of a resort that is either family or adult oriented that is NOT clothing optional? I am looking for one that is nude only. I have read at different times about resorts in the US that are nude only, so I am sure they exist. When I read it again, I will make a note of it so I can inform the group.
I have been a place that was CO, and it was more like NO. Weather was not a factor when I went. For "newbies", I can understand going to a CO resort so they can get used to the nudity and decide for themselves what they want to do.
For us "seasoned" nudists, we are going to be nude anyway, so why even bother with a CO place?"
Obviously here is another person who doesn't realize that clothing optional places can have more people nude than nudist places, or not, it depends on the resort. It is my experience if a nudist place has full time residents or condos, lots more people will be dressed. Resorts like ours where people take vacations and don't have residents, EVERYONE goes nude as that is what they want to do on vacation. They don't want to be dressed.
So ALWAYS ask questions of resorts before booking so that you will know the type of place you are booking. An easy question to ask is if the owners work nude, (Mary Clare and I work nude). If the owners are nude, you know the guests will be too. If the owners stay dressed a lot, you know the guests will too as guests always follow the tone set by the owners.
Now is the perfect time for a fun, romantic, sunny, unique vacation experience. One that you will want to repeat over and over.
Never been to a clothing optional resort before? No problem. We are the most mainstream nudist resort in the US and are perfect for couples trying topless or nude sunbathing for the first time!
Last November, MSNBC picked us as the Best value nude sunbathing resort in the western US.
And in December, 2010 Palm Springs Life Magazine picked us as the BEST small resort in the whole Palm Springs area in their Best of the Best issue. It's pretty cool that a nudist resort is considered the best place to stay in town. We were picked not because we're exclusive and snobby, (we let other places win those categories). We were picked because we are so friendly and because the guests have such a good time here.
Give us a call at 800-786-6938 to make reservations or for information. We answer the phones from 8am-10pm PST.
Visit our site at http://sunnyfun.com
Visit our Facebook resort page at http://bit.ly/TerraCottaInnFBPage
Make this the year to finally say good bye to your funny tan lines forever.
Hope to see you soon in sunny Palm Springs!
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