I just came across this post. Erich Schuttauf, who is the best director that AANR (American Association for Nude Recreation has ever had, is quoted in this post.
Now I am the PR chair for AANR West http://aanrwest.org This is a great link to learn all about nude recreation in the western US so click on it.
Some would say I am biased. Yet, I have seen good and bad directors of AANR and with no bias what so ever, Erich is THE BEST!
Now I do not say this lightly, as the previous director, did nothing to advance the acceptance of nude recreation. Erich is a breathe of fresh air and has done more to promote positive nude recreation than anyone I know except for maybe Godiva.
Here's the post:
"CNN) — “There’s something about being naked that makes a person forget a layoff, pay cut or a shrunken retirement account.
At least that’s how the promoters of nude travel see it.
The economic recession is “doing us a lot of favors, maybe because there’s the idea that if you’ve lost the shirt off your back, you should go nude,” said Erich Schuttauf, executive director of the American Association for Nude Recreation.
He added: “You go to a [nudist resort] and when you take off all your clothes, all the cues that tie you to the workaday world — the ties, the suits and everything — when that’s gone, your body says it’s time to relax. You get in that mode faster.”
While some nude-resort owners say they’re cutting back because of the recession, others said they’re on par with last year’s budgets or are expanding their services. Overall, being naked brings in big bucks. According to Schuttauf, the industry is valued at more than $400 million..”
For the full post click here
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